O’okiep, Port Nolloth’s twin in age and poverty amidst riches, was also founded in 1904. Mr. Dean, the Mine Superintendent, who was very well disposed towards the Catholic Church, encouraged the missionaries to start building.
Father Cornelius generously ceded 30 000 bricks which had been intended for a few new churches at Matjieskloof. In February two hundred people assisted at the solemn blessing of the new building.
Father Becoulet who had worked among the coloured people of O’okiep for many years, was appointed first priest in charge of this Mission. Later Father Metendier was sent to help him and take charge of the school. In spite of the riches of the copper mining industry, the Mission remained poor in things of the earth. In their charity, which became proverbial, Father Becoulet and Metendier sacrificed all and lived in dire poverty to gain eternal riches for the souls in their charge. The congregation grew. New schools were opened and, on Sundays, Holy Mass in a beautiful vast church is well attended.
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