
In 1968 Prieska was founded. About a year later, Father Donkers left Upington to take charge of the Mission. Foreswearing comfort and company this selfeffacing priest goes on this lonely tour to visit his flock and to bring them the consolation of our religion in nine different outstations. DIEU LE VEUT. Father Sollier did the Will of God. He fought the good fight and he conquered. Just now, an unusual silence reigns in Upington Mission, where, only yesterday, more than eight hundred children romped and frolicked on the playgrounds during recess. On Friday, 17th August, 1973, the R.C.Mission School was officially closed. The following Monday it was transferred, in its entirety, to NO. 5 Primary, a new State School recently built in coloured residential area. Do not mourn, Upington! You sowed and labored. The harvest
is yours, only the sheaves have been stored in foreign granneries.