Some time ago the painful situation of about 100 Catholics at Kamieskroon was brought to my notice. They are 80 kilometers away from the nearest church. Because of this distance and their poverty cannot assist at any religious service. The priest who tried to visit them was almost brutally chased away by the Calvinists of the place. What were we to do? We could not abandon these souls confided to our care. I looked into the matter and learnt that there was a piece of ground in the village up for sale to anyone who wished to buy it. Without a moment’s hesitation I bought two hectares and appointed Father Cornelius to direct the work for a new foundation there. The Calvinists were furious, they made pretence of intending to expel us, to persecute us until we should leave their village. One of the authorities came to see me and offered to buy our ground, he would reimburse us for all our expenses. “But please,” he said, “leave kamieskroon. We do not get along with one another. What will it be if you come to kamieskroon to stay? It will be veritable hell.” “No,” I said,” it will be heaven, for you will have the Lord with you.” Actually I had already decided to dedicate this mission to Christ the King. “Even if you offered me £1 000 for the ground
which I bought for only £200, I would not sell it.” He reported his interview to his Calvinist minister and just had to cool down. At present the new mission is being built without too much opposition. However, there is no peace yet and we are expecting still more trouble, but “si Deus pro nobis quia contra nos”. our Holy Founder, St. Francis de Sales, showed us what could be the outcome of perseverance in trials. I think our mission at kamieskroon will be an African Chablais. That is why we are asking our Holy Founders to sustain us in the arduous struggle that lies ahead.
It seems that our prayers have already been heard. Judge for yourself. A protestant coloured man residing in Kamieskroon fell ill. Father Cornelius went to see him and found out that he belonged to the Wesleyan Church. He asked: “Can I do anything for you?” “I long to see my wife and children who are at Okiep. I feel that the end is near and I would like to say a word to them before I die.” “Very well,” said Father Cornelius, I shall send my car to fetch them.” Which he did immediately. It was 9 p.m. at 11:30 p.m. the car arrived at Okiep. In the dark they had to look for the for the sick man’s wife, but eventually they found her, picked her up and arrived back at Kamieskroon at 2 a.m. The poor man could not find words to thank Father. He thought for a moment and said: ” so much charity on the part of a Catholic priest to me, a poor coloured man who can pay him nothing to cover his expenses. That can only come from a man who truly loves God and serves
souls only to save them. The priest must truly be a minister of God. I want to belong to his religion and die in it.” He sent for Father Cornelius and spoke to him of his desire. Father encouraged him to place his trust in God, instructed him and baptized him conditionally. Shortly afterwards he rendered his beautiful soul to God, who must have received him well.